Convection ovens can lose their efficiency if they are not properly maintained over time. This loss in efficiency could compromise the quality of the foods that you are feeding to your customers, and it could affect the reputation of your business.
If you want to ensure that your kitchen continues to function well into the future, then don't overlook regular maintenance when caring for your commercial convection oven.

Commercial buildings require much more intensive HVAC systems than their residential counterparts, thanks to the larger spaces involved and greater numbers of people to keep comfortable. The cooling needs of restaurants tend to be even greater still, thanks to all of the excess heat generated inside of a commercial kitchen, as well as the power needed to keep walk-in refrigerators cool.
For this reason, many restaurant owners decide to err on the safe side and install the most powerful air conditioning system they can find. Unfortunately, this tactic can often result in unanticipated problems. If you would like to learn more about why a correctly-sized HVAC system will be better in the long run, read on. This article will discuss three problems an oversized air conditioner can create.